SAR, Specific energy Absorption Rate is the terminology and math’s/science that is supposed to protect the general public. 

Some laboratories in England are now using wax dummy heads and probes, to measure radiation penetration.
Dr Gandhi et al used MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, biophisysical modeling and numerical calculations, and concluded that radiation penetrates the brain of a child further than that of an adult.
For decades now, the medical fraternity has been greatly concerned by the huge incidence of literally un-explained cancers in our population and the finger is pointing to EMR as the likely culprit or at least a major contributor.
                         sources of EMF

You see, EMR causes elevated levels of stress in our bodies, in fact the very worst kind of stress at that. It's called "fight or flight" stress. The kind that we would experience if we were confronted by an angry snarling dog or worse. We don't get a huge jolt like we would with the dog scenario but this type actually accumulates.


Illustration of wavelength and frequency
These properties also determine their ability to travel through objects, their heating effects and their effect on living tissue.The electromagnetic spectrum

Electroencephalogram (EEG) Test On Human Subjects
The measurement of electrical activity of the brain when exposed to cell phone radiation

Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your baby
Study of 13,000 children exposes link between use of handsets and later behavioural problems
By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor
Sunday, 18 May 2008
Scientists found that mothers who did use the handsets were 54 per cent more likely to have children with behavioural problems and that the likelihood increased with the amount of potential exposure to the radiation
Women who use mobile phones when pregnant are more likely to give birth to children with behavioural problems, according to authoritative research.
A giant study, which surveyed more than 13,000 children, found that using the handsets just two or three times a day was enough to raise the risk of their babies developing hyperactivity and difficulties with conduct, emotions and relationships by the time they reached school age. And it adds that the likelihood is even greater if the children themselves used the phones before the age of seven.
May 22nd, 2008 . by Alexander Fisher
Got a Flip Phone Tumor?EMR (Electromagnetic Radiation) is a dangerous by-product of our wireless age. I have been a Radio Frequency (RF) Engineer for over fifteen years and have been exposed to microwave (MW) EMR on a fairly regular basis during that time. The same precautions that RF professionals take are also advisable for people who are exposed to EMR from consumer products.
EMR safety is an often ignored issue because of the ease of use that wireless products allow. But EMR is a lethal component of products like cell phones, wireless phones, blue tooth accessories, WiFi network hotspots, and wireless television broadcasting. Long term usage studies are beginning to show a cause and effect relationship to serious illnesses related to EMR exposure. European Union countries currently advise parents to not allow cell phone use by children and young adults, based on the heat generated by MW radiation from the phone’s antenna.
Protect your one and only brain from mobile phone radiation
Mobile Phones have become a part of everybody's life. They are no more the nifty gadget that a selected few carried around. They are carried around like our life depends on it. Isn't it true that not too many relationships have ended because someone forgot to take that all important call or because they left behind or lost their mobile phone? One could be contacted anywhere on earth at any time of the day, because of the mobile phones. These devices work at close proximity to our brain, and you have to be cautious about this. After all everyone just gets to have one, and just only one brain unlike the eyes or ears. Each and every part of the brain controls a big "Human Feature Set". Any small damage to a minute portion may hinder your ability to speak or control your muscles. When there is so much debate about whether they radiation out of the mobile phones can cause brain cancer or tumours or other yet unknown diseases, you got to listen even as a skeptic. Unless there is 100% proof that radiation emitted by mobile phones don't cause any problems, we'd have to play it safe and consider these harmful to some degree
Cebimizde Baz İstasyonu Taşıyoruz.
Evet, baz istasyonları zararlı diye karşı çıkıyoruz ama, cebimizde zararını önleyici tedbir almadan, EN AZ BAZ İSTASYONU KADAR TEHLİKELİ telefon taşıyoruz.
'Çocuklara cep telefonu vermek, onları esrara alıştırmak gibi'
Cep telefonunu çocuklara vermeyi bırakın, onların yanında bile cep telefonu kullanmamak lazım.

Küçücük bebekleri cep telefonuyla konuşturuyorlar. Anaokuluna giden çocuklar için üretilmiş telefonlar var. Hatta, dükkan dükkan dolaşarak, daha 8 yaşındaki çocukları için pembe cep telefonu arayan anne babalar var. Pembe yanaklı masum çocukların cep telefonu reklamlarında kullanılması milletçe savunma mekanizmalarımızı bozdu galiba, çocukların oyuncağı gibi görmeye başladık.

Çocuklardan cep telefonunu kesinlikle uzak tutmak lazım. Küçük çocuklar cep telefonlarıyla çok daha fazla radyasyon yutuyor. Adeta anten gibi radyasyonu çekiyorlar.

Çocuklara cep telefonu vermek, onları esrara alıştırmak gibi. Çok küçük yaşta sigaraya başlamak gibi. Çok küçük yaşta sigaraya başlanırsa kümülatif etki daha fazla olur. Küçük yaşta cep telefonuyla konuşmaya başlamanın kümülatif etkisi çok daha korkunç.
Bundan 20 yıl sonra...... cep telefonu kullanmak çok tehlikelidir diyerek kullanılması yasaklanacak. Bir zamanlar sigaranın zararlarından bahsedilmeyip, duvar boyu reklamları yayınlanıp, şimdi yasaklanmaya başlanması gibi... Görelim
Elektromanyetik kirlilik artıyor.
8 Mart 2009 Prof. Dr. Şeker, yaptığı açıklamada, EM enerji kullanımının yaygınlaşmasının insan organizması için büyük bir risk oluşturduğunu ifade etti. EM alanlarının, kısa zamanda hissedilen baş ağrıları, göz-kulak yanmaları, yorgunluk, halsizlik, baş dönmesi, uykusuzluk, gündüz uykulu dolaşma gibi rahatsızlıklara sebep olduğunu bildiren Prof. Dr. Şeker, ayrıca uzun sürede ortaya çıkabilen ve hücre yapısı ile vücudun koruma sistemini etkileyen biyolojik riskleri bulunduğunu kaydetti.

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